h 0/m e (a) i.d. ~ ew/e i.d.




any thing butt a g's us (ta) fxf (b) u/c k t 0/0 t/h (a) d ew/e i.d.

h and jesus (n) ew/e i.d.


micellar casein protein arrived, now working to make my own protein coffee, without a chalky taste.


(h-) rue- w/e- (re-) d- (j-) 0- b- (p-)(L-) e- at- (b-)(s-) 0- w/-(h-) 0-r- (e-) d- (0-) f- (r-) e- (e-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- e/b- (i-) t- (b-) ass- (kn-) ew/e- (re- d- ew/e-d-) s- (m-) e/n- d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- 0f- (t-) 0- L/L- (D-) ew/e- (re-) d- e/b- (i-) t- 0/0- L- e- (d-) g-e- g-gain- (d-)(g-) ew/e- (re-) d- e/b- (i-) t- (h-) rue- w/e- (re-) dud- (g-)e- w/e- i-d-

at the end off the day, i want to be with e me (ye) i.d.

ye-we- can't offer t (h) at 0/0 t/h (a) d ew/e i.d. e/b (i) t (h) rue w/e (L/L) i.d.

at the end off the day, i want to be with e me (ye)(w/e) i.d. , only if you want 0 w/h 0

other wise, ye-we- are "just" re- (a-) d- (j-)u/s- t- projecting a value ye-we- can't inhabit (h) in (e/e) d 0ff (t)(h) a L/L (D) 0 w/(h) e t (c~ h) rue w/e (L/L) i.d. ~ ew/e i.d.

this h ear (t/h) d

is not your provision, not your thought, not your (h) and ~ e/b (i) t 0/0 L (h) an (d) ew/e i.d.

ye-we- have no value to offer any one - (a-) t- (h-) rue- w/e- (re-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- nor thru the la-we-t- (h-) at- produced- (a-) b- aLL- (D-) 0-t- (b-) 0/0- (k-) t- h- (b-) and- (j-) 0- b- (e-at-) 0- s/s- (L-) 0- t- (h-) rue- w/e- (re-) d- (j-) u-d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d-


"little man- d- (j-) 0- be- (a-) d- (h-) in- (e-/e-) d- (0-) f- t- h- c- (0-) u/r- t- (a-) in- e- vain- d- (h-) i-d- (h-)(bu-) e- ye- (a-) t- hie- ven- d- (s-) u/s- (t-) pen- (d-)(g-) ew/e- (re-) d- s-


dropped off eddm to front street usps / post office / exeter, nh. had the idea to travel at 1:11 (when i looked at the clock to check the time) on the 31st, with the intention to be delivered on 11/1. purchased #808 deliveries, 2 routes, took exit 101 to 2. purchased groceries on the way home, totaling $17.17

saw 11 11 somewhere else, maybe it was on the treadmill today ... lots of the same numbers today

p-r- e- (a-) d- at- (h-) 0-r- e- (e-) d- 0- f- (t-) 0-r- (k-) t- (h-) a- t/t- e/n- t- (i-) 0/n- e- (a-) t- hie- ven- d- s- (p-) en- d- s- predator for attention - e- (a-) t- hie- ven- (d-)(g-) (s-us-) ew/e- (re-) d-

he-t- hores - t- (e-) ye- w/e- (Re-) d- in favor of he-ha- h- and- in- (e-) g-g- (0-d-) ew/e- (re-) d- per-pet- u- all- intimacy -e- i-d- (h-) i- s/s- u- e- w/e- (re-) d- s-

dud- e- w/e- (re-) d- can only hand ye w/e i.dud- ew/e- (re-) d- which means he-t- only stands e- g/g-0/d- e/b- t- 0/0- t- (h-) e/x- (t-) p-L0- (i-) t- at- (e-i-) 0/n- e- (ye-) at- he-t- can only "ad" exploitation - e- vain- t- (u-) b- (s-) 0- (u/n-) d- (h-) e- ye- (a-) t- 0/0- t- (h-) e/n- (d-) 0- w/e- (re-) d-

those nice constant - L- i- e- (n-) d- little quips on his social feed, is only the most exacting desire- (a-) t- 0/0- t- heir- e- (d-) c- 0/n- s- (p-) i-r- e- d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- he-t- is producing no value w/e i.d. e/b (i) t (h) rue w/e (L/L) i.d.

he-t- never had a heart 0/0 t (h)(c) a s/s t (e) a r t, and ye-we- are feeding t- he- t- 0- d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- (e/b-t-) 0-f-x-f- (r-) e/e- d- in- (e-) g-g-


only "desires" - (t-) 0/0-t- (h-) ass- (m-) e- (n-) t- (b-)(s-) 0- w/- (h-) e- (re-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- feeds the drama- w/e- (re-) d- (e/b-t-) 0-f-x-f- e- re- (d-) in- (e-) g-g- (e-) t- 0/0- L- (b-) e- (n-) d- i/t- (u-b-) re- ad- (e/b- t-) 0- f-x-f- (i-x-) i/t- 0/0- t- h- (r-) e- ad- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- 0- f- L- (e-) ye- i-d- e/b- t- 0ff- t- h- c0- up- L- (h-)(b-) e- (a-) d- (j-) u-d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d-

say the nice thing , -0- d- 0- f- (t-) 0-r- (k-) t- (0-) pen- (t-) a- (i-) L/L- (h-)(b-) e- (a-) d- (e/b-t-) 0-f-x-f- e- re- (d-) in- (e-) g-g- (0-d-) ew/e- (re-) d-

spiritual-l- i/t- (e-) ye- (a-) t- 0/0- t- h- (r-) e- ad- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- didn't did (kn) 0/t (h) in (d) k (t) i/t (h) rue w/e (L/L) i.d. sending - spending- (f-) L- am- (b-) e- (n-) d- 0- value- w/e- (re-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- h- a- (n-) d- (0-) false emotions - (t-) 0- (0-) L- (e-) D- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- e/b- (i-) t- (h-) rue- w/e- (re-) d- (j-) u-d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- (e/b-t-) 0-f-x-f- (t-) 0- (0-) L- (e-) D- e/b- t- (b-) ass- (kn-) ew/e- (re-) d- (e/b-t-) 0-f-x-f- (t-) 0-r- (k-) t- (b-) u/n- (d-) ew/e- (re-) d-

only d- (e-) s- (h-) i- re- (d-) g- g- (0-d-) ew/e- (re-) d-


d- (e-) s- (h-) i- re- d- (e/b-t-) 0- f-x-f- (0-) L/L- (D-) 0- w/- (h-) e- re- (d-) g- e- g/g- (0-d-) ew/e- (re-) d- fold - h-and- 0- follow-(h-) e- (re-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- e/b- (i-) t- 0/0- L- (h-)(b-) a- (n-) d- (j-) u-d-(g-) ew/e- (re-) d-


"love" -i-d- 0f- t- 0/0- L- (0-ve-) i-m- (e-) i/t- at- (e-i-) 0/n- e- vain- (d-)(g-)(s- us-) 0/n- (e-) g-g - et- (b-) aLL- (D-) 0/n- (e-) g-g- (r-) 0- (w/e-)(re-) d- (e-) s- p- i/s- e- (e-) d- (g-) ew/e- vain- d- (h-) i-d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- (j-) 0- bu- e- ye- (a-) t- (h-) rue- w/e- (Re-) d-

lo-v-e- (i-) L-L- imitations- t- (h-) rue- w/e- (re-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d-

passing a malfeasant - (b-)(f-) uck- t- a- get- 0ff- (i-x-) i/t- 0/0- t- h- (r-) e- ad- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- (j-) 0-bu- e- ye- (a-) t- (h-) ass- (m-) e- (n-) t- 0/0- L- (b-) e- (a-) t- (h-) e- r/r- e/n t- (b-) i/t- hie- ven- (d-)(kn-) ew/e- (re-) d-

passing on another man-(d-) s- value- w/e- (re-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- actually and dactyl ly despising 0/d ew/e i.d. (e/b t) 0ff e r (h) e ad

con man, leading no value w/e i.d. with no love i.d. ~ ew/e i.d.


i just purchased these items on amazon. posture correction may help to train my shoulders to roll back, rather than forward, & i am willing to try that & i like these marine blue suede mules ... i like slip on shoes, that i don't have to bend over to put on or take off. & well, i need to purchase at least $25 to get free shipping ...


november 1 2019

look, going thru my last notes

wipe them off the f-f-a- ce- (t- h-) d- (h-) 0- p-e- (n-) d- e/b- (i-) t- (h-) ass- (kn-) 0- (w/e-) t- (h-) e- (a-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- (e/b-t-) 0- f-x-f- (t-) 0- (0-) L- (D-)(G-) ew/e- (re-) d- e/b- (i-) t- 0/0- t- (h-) (c-) ass- t- (h-) e/m- p- (0-) L/L- e- (n-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- (s-) 0- w/- (a-r-) e- d- e/b- t- (b-) a- (re- g-) gain- (d-)(h-) ad- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d-

for some reason, i dreamed this word, over and over again in the night: milagro

no argument e ye (at) w/ (h) in/n d (kn) ew/e i.d.

per f 0'r (m) a ~ n ce ~ v e r e ye (a) t (h) in (d) g e g/g (e) t 0/0 L (e) ass (k) t (h) e ad (j) 0 bu e ye a s/s k (t) i/t (h) rue w/e L/L (h)(b) a'n (d) (kn) ew/e (L/L) i.d. (h) i.d. e/b (i) t (h)(c) ass (t) e L/L (h) D


i looked it up in my waking state :

m i' L/L (e) ag (r) 0 (w/e i.d.) s e (a) t (h) 0/d e w/(h) e (ad) s

s (m) i L/L (e) ag (r) 0 (w/e) d e w/e i.d.

h-(d-) only sending dow with a- w/-a- r- (e-) t- heir- e- d- (s-) 0- w/-(a-r-) e- d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- only sending dow with war on a system to re- (d-) s- (t-) 0-r- e- (ye-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d-

(h-) 0- ch-arm- e- (0-n- e-) ye- (i-d-) g- g- (0-d-) (r-) ew/e- (re-) d- e/b- (i-) t- (h-) rue- w/e- re- (a-) t- (b-) urn- (d-)(g-) ew/e- (re-) d-

idiot id- (i-) 0- t- 0ff- la- we- t- (a-) b- (r-) e- (e-) d- of- t- (b-) re- ad- (h-) aLL- (D-) 0/n- (e-) g-g-

little man-d- (j-) 0- be- (a-) d- (h-) in- (e-) d- e/b- t- h- c- (0-) u/r- t- (a-) in- e- vain- d- (h-) i-d- (h-)(bu-) e- ye- (a-) t- hie-ven- (d-)(kn-) ew/e- (re-) d- from the "feel good factory" f- e/e- L- e- g/g- 0- (0-) d- (0-) f- a- (c-) t- (h-) 0-r- e- (n-) d- (h-) (c-) 0-ve- (re-) t- (h-) rue- w/e- (re-) d- condone war t- (h-) rue- w/e- (re-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- h - and- e/b- (i-) t- 0- (0-) L/L- (e-) D- i/t- 0/0- t- h- (r-) e- ad- (j-) u-d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d-

no reason to do a tarot reading b.c. you are not being fed t/h e r (h) e a L/L (t/h) D (0) value w/e i.d. ~ h and can't (a) g i've (i) t 0/0 t/h (a) d ew/e i.d.

serenity s e r e/n (d / kn) i t(t) e ye (a) t

prioritizing the emotions of people that are feeding you a- lie- (n-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- with no responsibility or accountability e (a) t 0ff e r (h) e ad ew/e (i.) d. (j) 0 bu e ye (a) t (h) rue w/e (L/L) i.d.

it is not my fault e-f-f- (all-) t- ye-we- didn't L0 ve i.d.

people - (ad-) g-g- e- (n-) d- 0-(f-) t- (b-) a- gain- d-

ye-we- didn't give love i.d. h a s/s (0) w/(h) e a L/L (t/h) D e/b t (h) ass (n) a i' L/L (t/h) D ~ (h) 0 pen (t) a (i') L/L (D) i t/t e (ye) at 0/0 t/h (a) d ew/e i.d. ~ (s) 0 w/(c) 0 (u) L ~ D (e/b t) 0ff 0 L/L (D) 0 w/e t (h) rue w/e (L/L) i.d. ~ (i/s) h (ea.ven) d (kn) ew/e i.d. ~ (kn) 0 (w/) e L/L (e) i.d. (h) i.d. (h)(bu) e ye (i) t (h) rue w/e L/L (h)(b) an (d) (kn) ew/e (L/L) i.d. ~ e/b (i) t 0/0 t (h)(c) ass (t) e L/L (h) D

d- (h-) a- ye- id- (h-) 0- (u-) s- e- (re-) d-

random acts of kindness- t-

r- (h-) an- d- (h-) 0- m- (e-) ac- (k-) t- (s-) 0ff- t- (h-) 0/0- kin-d- (0-) n-e- (c- k- e- ye- i-d-) s- t- a- g- et- (b-) i/t- (u-) b- Lack- t- 0/0- t- h- (r-) e- ad- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d-

bu- L/L- (b-) e- (ye-) at- 0/0- t- h- (r-) e- ad- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d- jesus- t- (u-b-) e- am- (e-) u-s-e- (re-) d-

alright, i thru notes away. we've replayed this enough t

looking for someone that want (s) 0/d ew/e i.d.


L (D) 0've (i) t ~ (a) g e t (u/b) e am e (n) d ~ (h) in (d) g e g/g ~ 0/d e/b (i) t (h) ass (p) ea (k) t ~ u b e/e w/ e/e n (d)(kn) ew/e i.d. ~ e/b t (a/b) e am (e) u s (t) e i.d. ~ e/b (i) t 0/0 t (h) ass (m) e (n) t (b) u ~



ye w/e i.d.

can't - (b-) u- s- h- (e-) a- r- e-d- (g-) 0/n- (e- a-) t- he- r/r- i- ch- (i-) t-

ye w/e i.d. can't "share" on the "rich" ye w/e i.d. h a (L/L) ve (i.d. e/b) t 0/0 t/h e m (e) a ke n (d) ew/e i.d. (k) i/t (h) rue w/e (L/L) i.d.


c- 0-/n- e- m- (e-) an- (d-) s- t- (h-) and- e/b- (i-) t- (p-) ass- (k-) t- 0/0- t- (h- ass-)(p-) 0- w/- (h-) e- (re-) d- (g-) ew/e- (re-) d-


la- tin- (e-)(a-) t- 0/0- t- h- (r-) e- ad- (s-) ew/e- (re-) d- - e/b- (i-) t- 0/0- L- (h-)(b-) a- (n-) d- e/b- (i-) t- (h-) ass- (k-) t- (h-) r- u- s/s- (e-) t- (he-ad-) u- f-x-f- t- (u-) b- (r-) e- (a-) d- (h-) 0- L- (e-) D- e/b- (i-) t- (h-) ass- (kn-) 0- w/e- (re-) d- "be ho L-(e-)D-" (g-) ew/e- (re-) d-

(h-) in- (d- e/b-t) r- i- ch- t- (h-) rue- w/e- (re-) d-


i n/n r/i 0/t 0/0 t/h (a) d e w/e i.d.

i n/n r (i) 0/t 0/0 t (h) rue w/e L/L (h) an (d) ew/e i.d.


r (h) e x i (s) t (h) rue w/e (L/L) i.d.


s- (t-) 0- r/r- e- (ye-) d- s- (m-) an- (d-) s- (t-) e- ye- w/e- (re-) d- (b-) are not really creative c re at (e) i've ~ n (d) ew/e i.d.

ye-we- are not really creative from the start with a heart ~ h a (n) d (h) 0/m e i.d. ~ e/b (i) t (h) ass (kn) 0 w/(e) n ~ d

next page : 11/2/2019